Leadership/Team Assessments

Move your leaders and teams to higher levels of personal and professional effectiveness.
Choose from a diverse selection of empirically valid and reliable tools that target critical talent fundamentals.

Change Style Indicator®
With the Change Style Indicator, leaders/teams will:
- Learn about three unique styles for dealing with change
- Discover their personal position on the continuum of change style preferences
- Learn how a preferred style affects perceptions
- Improve interpersonal communication and understanding
- Avoid conflicts and reduce unproductive meeting time
- Available online or as hard copy assessment
Change Navigator®
The Change Navigator accurately gauges how employees are dealing with change.
A unique exercise in exploring change designed for organizations that are undergoing a specific change event.
The assessment measures where individuals fall in the four stages of change:
- Acknowledging
- Reacting
- Investigating
- Implementing

Influence Style Indicator™
With the Influence Style Indicator, leaders/teams will:
- Examine what their chosen influence style looks like to others
- Determine best opportunities to flex their style to address a variety of situations
- Improve their ability to connect with others using a variety of influencing styles
- Understand how influencing styles can impact organizational decision making
Decision Style Profile®
Workplace Fundamental: Improve Decision-Making & Influence
Based on several real-world business decisions, the Decision Style Profile:
- Evaluates the appropriateness with which participants include others in the decision-making process
- Assesses the extent to which participants consider five critical factors in their decision-making process:
- Clarity
- Information
- Commitment
- Alignment
- Time

TTI Success Insights® DISC
TTI Success Insights is the only provider of DISC assessments in the marketplace fully customized for the individual. All levels of the organization can benefit from the information it provides.
Commonly used to: Improve teamwork and understand communication styles.
12 Driving Forces® (Motivators)

Workplace Stress Quotient®
The Stress Quotient assessment measures workplace stress in seven index factors, revealing how stress affects the overall health, productivity and morale of both individuals and the teams.
A leadership version of the Stress Quotient is also available to help gauge a leader’s stress level and their stress triggers.
Commonly used to: Identify root causes of stress, facilitate conversations to begin creating a plan that addresses the causes and to help improve employee performance and productivity.
Certification Not Required to purchase this tool. Contact us to purchase.
Discovery Leadership & Emerging Leader 360 Profiles
These comprehensive leadership style assessments gather perspectives regarding leadership performance or potential from up to 30 raters. Based on research that identifies competencies critical for effective leadership, performance is measured using up to 60 items grouped into 10-12 competency categories.
Both DLP and ELP include the Plus assessment, a 12-week goal-setting process to aid the participant in lasting change based on their individual feedback.

Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory (TKI)
The TKI assessment provides insight into an individual’s typical response to conflict situations using one or more of five conflict-handling modes, or styles.
By identifying alternative conflict resolution styles and how and when to use them most effectively, the TKI assessment helps people frame and defuse conflict, creating more productive outcomes.
Certification not required to purchase this tool. Contact us to purchase.
EQi 2.0 Leadership Report
The EQi 2.0 Leadership Report examines EQ-i 2.0 results through four key dimensions of leadership:
- Authenticity
- Coaching
- Insight
- Innovation
Results are also compared against those of top leaders, creating a coaching benchmark for exceptional EI performance.
Includes leadership derailers, as well as strategies for development aimed to help leaders reach their true potential.

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EQSMARTS™ by PerformanceWorks
We are passionate about providing you with the very best strategies for success. Whether providing professional consulting, assessments, coaching or training services, our goal is the same: to help bring about optimal performance for individuals and the organizations they serve.
© 2021 EQSMARTS™